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Compagnia dello Scrigno




Company of the Casket? Here we are! Since way back in 2012, from the idea of some friends to "do something" to create aggregation and do charity, we have landed on the stage!

We immediately decided to stage the musical "Once Upon a Time," a free adaptation of Pooh's Pinocchio musical. We carried out the ambitious and complex project thanks to the great desire to get involved and to be together, teaming up among teenagers, young people and adults.

In the warm August of 2013, we brought to the stage the recital "A Gift for You," a show made entirely by us and dedicated to our dear friend Vanna who consecrated her life to God by joining Charles de Foucauld's Little Sisters of the Gospel family.

Continuing year after year ... in May 2014 we performed the musical "Prince Ali" loosely based on the musical Aladdin.

In May 2015, we staged the musical "The Enchanted Rose", which is loosely based on Beauty and the Beast.

In June 2016, we presented the musical "Hercules" loosely based on the musical "Hercules: A True Hero".

In May 2017 we performed the musical "A Legendary Flood" loosely based on the musical "Add a Place at the Table."

In October 2018 we brought the musical "Supercalifragilistichespiralidoso" loosely based on the musical "Mary Poppins" into the spotlight.

In December 2019, we performed the musical Only Who Dreams Can Fly, which is loosely based on Peter Pan.

Unfortunately, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to shut down, but as soon as possible, given the restrictions, we found ourselves with a smaller group of people.

At that time, more than ever, we really needed to share carefree moments and be able to have some healthy laughs, and that is precisely why we decided to come up with a play script, a brilliant comedy that was staged in April 2022 "A Bitter Feast" loosely based on "An Exaggerated Feast" replicated several times even outside the country.

In May 2023, we performed the brilliant comedy "A bang for the buck," which we had written ourselves.

The Casket Company never stops!

In fact, we are preparing a new brilliant comedy that will be staged soon, in May 2024, and was also entirely written by us: "It was BETTER when it was WORST."


Aims and Objectives


  • Own script production: to stage theatrical productions or musicals, referencing local or dialect places that engage and entertain the audience;
  • Community involvement: actively involve the local community through performances;
  • Social awareness: we try to use our shows as a tool to address social issues in order to raise awareness and leave food for thought;
  • Fun and group cohesion: of paramount importance is fun and cohesion within the group, a goal where members can express themselves freely and create lasting bonds. Our motto has always been "TOGETHER IS GOOD."
  • Charity and volunteerism: the proceeds from our shows are donated to various local associations trying to find a goal each year that we can share.
  • Musicals: we would like to reintroduce and stage more musicals, but we are looking for a "conductor" to be able to give harmony to the choir voices as well!


The associations of Valdidentro

Gruppo Alpini Isolaccia


Gruppo Alpini Premadio


Gruppo Alpini Semogo


Gruppo Alpini Pedenosso


Gioventù Semogo


Gioventù Isolaccia


Gioventù Pedenosso


Gruppo Peneglia


Banda Musicale Santa Cecilia


Insieme X vincere


Gruppi Pedenosso 2000


CAI Valdidentro


Sci Club Alta Valtellina


Alta Valtellina Vertical


Sci Club Valdidentro


Valdidentro Bike Team


Gruppo sportivo Rio Scianno


Valdidentro Folk




Gruppo Ballo Valdidentro


Compagnia teatrale Stile Libero


Insieme - NOI Semogo


Libero Giardino


Amici Anziani Valdidentro


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