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Gruppo Alpini Isolaccia



15 November 1970: an unforgettable date for the 'Gruppo Alpini Isolaccia,' a day of celebration for the blessing of the Group's pennant. Thus began the history of a fellowship that has grown over the years, a Group comprising 93 Alpine members and 12 aggregates. First group leader was Giovanni Rocca.


Aims and objectives

In these forty years of activity, the Group has contributed in the front line to the village's growth, participating in various events, collaborating with other voluntary associations all well rooted in the area, always trying to transmit those values that are the priceless heritage of our ancestors. Also of note are the initiatives organized with religious and civil bodies, with the Alpine Groups of the other hamlets of the municipality and the district.

The group's sporting vocation was immediately manifested in 1971 with the organization of the sixth Intersectional Cross-Country Skiing Championship; a competition repeated the following year. It was a promoter for several years of the "Palio delle Contrade" race between the different districts of the town. The group was then characterized by the " Medaglie d'oro Valtellinesi" trophy, which even, in its third edition, had as " luxury testimonials" the cross-country Olympians Manuela Di Centa and Maurizio Pozzi, at that time training in Isolaccia for the 17th Olympics in Lillehammer. This was a good omen for Di Centa, who was consecrated queen of cross-country skiing on Norwegian soil shortly thereafter.

In 1979, 1989, and 2006, the Alpine Group of Isolaccia organized the A.N.A. National Cross-country Skiing Championships, respectively, in editions numbered 44th -54th and 71st, obtaining certificates of esteem from Sectional and National authorities.


The little church of Precedent

Not only competitions but also an extraordinary devotion for the Alpini of Isolaccia: the flagship of the Alpini Group is the little church of "Prescedont" located in a mountainous area about an hour's walk from the village of Isolaccia, a votive temple dedicated to Mary Help of Christians. The ancient little church was rebuilt in 1974 and blessed on August 5 of the same year, a precious reminder of the town's Alpine soldiers who fell in the two tragic world wars.

Not only competitions but also an extraordinary devotion for the Alpini of Isolaccia: the pride of the Alpini Group is the little church of "Prescedont" located in a mountainous area about an hour's walk from the village of Isolaccia, a votive temple dedicated to Mary Help of Christians. The ancient little church was rebuilt in 1974 and blessed on August 5 of the same year, a precious reminder of the town's Alpine soldiers who fell in the two tragic world wars.

This is the symbol of the Group, a favorite destination for a summer initiative that, for years, has been gathering at altitude children, families, Alpini from various Groups, and also many tourists. In this place, the Alpini of Isolaccia have celebrated, surrounded by many friends, the milestones of their history as on the occasion of the 25th founding of the Group, celebrated in Prescedont together with the Majanese choir in memory of the commitment made in 1976 following the terrible earthquake in Friuli, a commitment also made in the recent earthquake in Abruzzo. A respectful echoing of memories and exceptional attention to the religious aspect are the elements that distinguish the Isolaccia Alpine troops also on the occasion of another significant anniversary, that of the celebrations of the Battle of Nikolajewka on January 26 each year.


Find out more by visiting the official website.




Gerardo Urbani

Governing Council

  • Vicecapogruppo: Gianluigi Gurini
  • Segretario/Tesoriere: Walter Martinelli
  • Alfiere: Marco Urbani
  • Rudy Giacomelli
  • Franco Trameri
  • Genesio Viviani
  • Matteo Pienzi
  • Giancarlo Rocca
  • Emilio Martinelli

The associations of Valdidentro

Gruppo Alpini Premadio


Gruppo Alpini Semogo


Gruppo Alpini Pedenosso


Gioventù Semogo


Gioventù Isolaccia


Gioventù Pedenosso


Gruppo Peneglia


Banda Musicale Santa Cecilia


Insieme X vincere


Gruppi Pedenosso 2000


CAI Valdidentro


Sci Club Alta Valtellina


Alta Valtellina Vertical


Sci Club Valdidentro


Valdidentro Bike Team


Gruppo sportivo Rio Scianno


Valdidentro Folk




Gruppo Ballo Valdidentro


Compagnia teatrale Stile Libero


Compagnia dello Scrigno


Insieme - NOI Semogo


Libero Giardino


Amici Anziani Valdidentro


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