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Gruppo Alpini Pedenosso


Pedenosso black pens


The Pedenosso Alpine group was founded in the 1960s following the creation of the Valtellina section.

Our group is committed to promoting Alpine culture, preserving the historical memory of the Alpini, and actively participating in the life of the local community in a spirit of camaraderie.

Our activities include cultural events related to Alpine tradition, training and education meetings, and solidarity and charity initiatives to support people in need in our area.

Our alpine rallies in S. Giacomo (Cancano) and Val Vezzola are of great importance. All the section's alpine members actively participate in these rallies in collaboration with the school camp boys.

Two days of cooperation, commitment, sharing, and friendship.

We also participate in commemorative events and ceremonies to honour the sacrifice and courage of the Alpine soldiers who gave their lives for their homeland.

We are a united and supportive community, proud to carry on the values of the Alpini and contribute to the well-being of our local community.


Aims and objectives


  • Promote Alpine culture: Spread knowledge and appreciation of the mountains, their history, nature, and Alpine traditions.
  • Support local communities through solidarity and development projects.
  • Fostering the spirit of aggregation and camaraderie, the Alpine troops constitute a united and solidarity-based community based on values such as loyalty, courage and brotherhood, expressed through participation in meetings, events and recreational activities.
  • Responding to emergencies and disasters: active and on the front line in rescue operations during local emergencies by making themselves available for aid.
  • Promoting volunteering and active citizenship: promoting volunteering as a social value and encouraging others to contribute to the community through their time, skills or resources.
  • Collaboration and partnership: working with other organisations, institutions and communities to maximise impact and available resources.

School camp


In June 2023, Rasin and June 2024, Sondalo, the ANA School Camp was held for boys and girls in primary school grades 4 and 5 and secondary school grades 1 and 2.

The project, in collaboration with the Valtellina Section of the National Alpine Association, received a more than favourable response, and we are delighted to have been able to pass on the values and spirit of the Black Feathers to the new generations.

They were intense, exciting, and challenging days that, accompanied by the volunteers of our association, we hope helped your children grow in a collaborative and socialising spirit.
The Alpine group is shrinking due to the abolition of compulsory conscription and the lack of recruits. To maintain traditions and memories and pass them on, we need new forces.

We hope that the young recruits will be willing to carry on the name of true Alpine soldiers by actively participating in the various events and initiatives organised by the group.




Massimo Bradanini

Governing Council

  • Vicecapogruppo: Martinelli Luca
  • Segretario: Martinelli Ivan
  • Tesoriere: Berbenni Daniele
  • Bradanini Davide
  • Martinelli Bernardino
  • Martinelli Sergio
  • Pesenti Primo
  • Rini Enzo
  • Romani Piergiorgio

The associations of Valdidentro

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