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Gruppo Alpini Premadio


The group


The "alpini group of Premadio" was founded in 1969, following the creation of the Tirano section, by some alpini led by Porotto Lino, who presided over the group until 1985.

He was succeeded in 1986 by Urbani Piergiovanni, from 1987 to 1995 by Dell'Acqua Stefano, from 1995 to 2015 by Schivalocchi Valter, and in 2015 by Schivalocchi Dario, the actual president.

The group's headquarters is located at the former elementary school in Premadio and has about 40 members.
It keeps alive in the village the memory of the fallen of the wars on the anniversaries of November 4 and the battle of Nikolajewka with the traditional torchlight procession.

The group collaborates with institutions, Alpine, and sports groups in events and solidarity works.



Since its inception, the Alpine group of Premadio, with its 70 members, has inserted itself very positively in the social fabric of the village, promoting many initiatives of an Alpine nature and supporting the parish. The commitment of the group culminated in 1989 with the construction and donation to the same of the recreation center "Planecc," of which the group continues to take care of the maintenance.

In the 1970s, the group successfully organized for several years the running competition "premade-cancan," which was then resumed for a couple of editions in 2006-2007. In 1976, due to the terrible earthquake that hit Friuli, the group mobilized to bring aid to the affected populations by sending materials and the work of several volunteers, an experience that was repeated in 1994 with the flooding of Piedmont in Canelli.

An initiative of our group during the Dell'Acqua presidency that involved all the groups in the upper valley was replacing the 1966 illuminated cross on the top of Mount Scale with another one equipped with a different lighting system and external covering.

The cross continues to illuminate in the summer evenings the valleys of Bormio thanks to the work of the volunteers of the association "Friends of Father Giuseppe" and our group, which every year on August 15 organizes the traditional alpine festival at the foot of the cross.

Premadio inherited two monuments from the last conflicts that our group has maintained and is committed to maintaining in respect and remembrance of those who fell for our country.

One is the "soldiers' cemetery "in the plain of San Gallo. Of Napoleonic origin, the cemetery was used in World War I as a burial place for the fallen from the front of the Gavia-Cevedale area and was renovated and made usable in 1997 with the collaboration of civil protection.

The other is the war memorial, which is arranged in a beautiful location in the center of the village. It was landscaped in 2008 along with the adjacent small garden.

Lately, we donated and installed a flagpole with the Italian flag in the kindergarten garden.


Discover more on the official website.




Dario Schivalocchi

The associations of Valdidentro

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